Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What's Happening in Div. 1 Music?

Bonjour mes amis!

My name is Mme Zdrill and I am the music teacher for Grade One (Salle 1, 2, 10 and 11), Grade Two (Salle 5, 6, 7 and 8) and two of our Grade Three classes (PT2 and PT3).  It's great to back at school working with my partner-in-music, our Div. 2 music teacher, Mme Edgett.  It's also great to be back working with all of our students, both returning and new to our school.  

Our first couple of classes were focused on learning new names, mostly for Mme Zdrill, and establishing the expectations during music class.  They are as follows:

  • Be Safe
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Respectful - to the room/instruments, to each other and to yourself.
Below is a breakdown of what we've been working on so far:

Grade One:  

  • "Bonjour mes amis" - our opening song/greeting
  • "Personal Favourite" - sharing our names and our favourite things (e.g. colour)
  • Action song - "Oliver Twist"
  • Movement - "Move and Freeze", focusing on listening, levels (high/low), moving in different ways (e.g. skipping). 
  • Djembes - exploring with sound (e.g. loud/quiet) and accompanying  a story with appropriate instrumental effects. 

Grade Two:
  • "Personal Favourite" - sharing our names and miming our favourites things (e.g. hobbies)
  • "This Music Makes me Feel..." - listening to the song,"Getting to Know You" and interpreting/expressing how it makes us feel (moving, listening, drawing a picture).  Students share their interpretations with the class. 
  • Djembes - will begin week of September 23-27.

Grade Three:
  • "Jump!" -  a socialization activity focusing on sharing our names and our likes and wants through mime (improvised movement).
  • Djembes - focusing on technique and rhythm patterns.
  • Form - to begin week of September 23-27.  We will be using the "Jump!" chant and the djembes to create musical sentences (e.g. phrases/sections).
Coming soon...
  • Music Share - information will be sent via email about our popular "show and tell"activity.  
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me.  Thanks!

Hoping that your day begins and ends on a beautiful note! :)

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JANUARY/FEBRUARY/MARCH 2020 Grade One: Students continued to develop steady bea t as well as their singing voices with the game "...